View Our Archive Of Artifacts Artifacts Breadcrumb Home Headlingley History Artifacts Scroll Enter Your Search Term Here Advanced Search Keywords Year From: Year To: Year Asc Year Desc Name Asc Name Desc Sort by Search Artifacts Now Categories Agriculture Awards & Trophies Clothing Construction Memorabilia Photographs Tools Weapons Events World War I Materials Assorted Ceramic Clay Cloth Fabric Glass Leather (-) Metal Paper Plastic Stone Wood Sort Date: Asc Desc Sort Name: Asc Desc Yellow Model House - Belonged to Mrs. Elna Begenstein. 1893 - 1976 Weight scale / fishing scale Various Plques Railroad spikes Plumb Bob, Harness Buckles, Show Buckles "Pepper Pot" Pistol - 4 Barrels in One Metal fragments In Memoriam Plaque - "Pte. George A. J. Bremner 43 Batt C H of C - Born at Headingley, June 27 1882. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, France. Died April 18 1917" Meat hook Locks Lid for bottle of "Cachou" pills used by smokers to sweeten the breath Knife, Fork, and Spoon travel set used by E. Lonsdale on canoe trip from Montreal to the Red River in 1860 "Hudson's Bay" Square Nails Horseshoes Headingley Manitoba Banner & Adams Cafe ashtray Headingley Agricultural Society - Raymond Innes Trophy - 1915 Gears, cogs, rings Cutlery knife / razor blade Cowbells Cow Bell, Sheep Bell, and Turkey Bell Boyscouts - Belt Assorted metal items Pagination Page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page »
Enter Your Search Term Here Advanced Search Keywords Year From: Year To: Year Asc Year Desc Name Asc Name Desc Sort by Search Artifacts Now Categories Agriculture Awards & Trophies Clothing Construction Memorabilia Photographs Tools Weapons Events World War I Materials Assorted Ceramic Clay Cloth Fabric Glass Leather (-) Metal Paper Plastic Stone Wood Sort Date: Asc Desc Sort Name: Asc Desc Yellow Model House - Belonged to Mrs. Elna Begenstein. 1893 - 1976 Weight scale / fishing scale Various Plques Railroad spikes Plumb Bob, Harness Buckles, Show Buckles "Pepper Pot" Pistol - 4 Barrels in One Metal fragments In Memoriam Plaque - "Pte. George A. J. Bremner 43 Batt C H of C - Born at Headingley, June 27 1882. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, France. Died April 18 1917" Meat hook Locks Lid for bottle of "Cachou" pills used by smokers to sweeten the breath Knife, Fork, and Spoon travel set used by E. Lonsdale on canoe trip from Montreal to the Red River in 1860 "Hudson's Bay" Square Nails Horseshoes Headingley Manitoba Banner & Adams Cafe ashtray Headingley Agricultural Society - Raymond Innes Trophy - 1915 Gears, cogs, rings Cutlery knife / razor blade Cowbells Cow Bell, Sheep Bell, and Turkey Bell Boyscouts - Belt Assorted metal items Pagination Page 1 Page 2 Next page ›› Last page »
In Memoriam Plaque - "Pte. George A. J. Bremner 43 Batt C H of C - Born at Headingley, June 27 1882. Wounded at Vimy Ridge, France. Died April 18 1917"
Knife, Fork, and Spoon travel set used by E. Lonsdale on canoe trip from Montreal to the Red River in 1860