1925 - 2023
Identification Number


Moffit Store

112-1 - The Moffit Store was started in 1925 by father Hugh and his sons Percy and Harvey. It was first a pool hall & barbershop. Later converted to a grocery store. Son Tom helped during the war. They lived behind the store. Hugh died in 1956. 

112-2 - In 1943 Percy married Florence Kerr and lived two doors east of the store with their two daughters

112-3 - Percy died in 1968 and brother Harvey in 1967. In the following years many people continued the store, now called Headingley Foods. Val and Greg added the ice cream shop on the east side. Photo taken in 2023. 

112-4 - Harvey Moffitt with his friend Nym Bartley. He served in England during WWII and joined with Percy in running the store when he returned. Lived in little cottage behind the store.