Headingley Town Site
116-1 - Drawing of town site in 1908, business for the farming community.
116-2 - Looking north from Portage Avenue to new mill built in 1900. Producing flour and feed grain. New elevator built in 1908.
116-3 - Royal Exchange Hotel replaced a road house, livery stable and feed store at the back.
116-4 - North Portage Ave also included Francis Store, Lumber Yard and Meat Market at the corner of Dodds Road.
116-5 - Portage Ave was a mud trail. The street car arrived in 1905 and continued until 1930.
116-6 - MacMillan & Vollans Real Estate Card. Average new home in Headingley after coming of railway.
116-7 - South side of Portage Ave at Bridge Road included Maclean Business Farm Supply (later Nick's) with their house next door. Livery stable behind and large house (1911) which belonged to James (Agent) & Maggie (Operator) Barrett of first Headingley phones.
116-8 - View from elevator, Thomas Buchanan shop for his construction business and then Mclean Blacksmith Shop. All important to the community.
116-9 - The last large building started as a cheese factory, later hall, church, and home. In the 20th, pulled by 33 horses to the Keith Farm which was their home until 1938 and last years as the granary.
116-10 - By the 30th Nick's and Bell's were busy on Portage Ave. The Community Hall now had busy curling and skating rink.