1992 - 2023
Identification Number


55 Club

117-1 - Recommendation from the community round table meeting was held at Headingley Holy Trinity Church and the 55 Plus Club was soon started on Feb 22 1992. 

117-2 - 1992 meetings were held in the Britton Hall. BBQ, trips, games with coffee and snacks, 50/50 draw and meeting with old and new friends. 

117-3 - Many days were enjoyed with BBQ, daytrips, and lunchs

117-3 - With a new horizon grant they bought tables, chairs, games, and a full set of dishes. 

117-4 - 1992 the first Christmas was held at the church with Mayor Jarl Johner and Mrs. Johner, a start of tradition. 

117-5 - Popular luncheons were held at the city park in the summer and usually at the Downs or The Gates at Christmas time. 

117-6 - On January 27 2004, the 55 Plus Club moved to the new community centre. They came with all their games, tables, chairs, and dishes which are still in use today (2023). 

117-7 - A spring luncheon was soon held with the help of volunteers. Lunches and game days could now be held in the community centre. Birthdays & anniversaries were special events. 

117-8 - The most popular time was the games such as tile rummy, scrabble, and cribbage. 

117-9 - Age was not a factor as members were in their 60s to 90s. New people felt welcome and good times were enjoyed. 

117-10 - The Christmas luncheon welcomed the community with a fun silent auction and entertainment. It was a full house of 90 guests. 

117-11 - In 2008 with guest Mayor Wilf Tallieu bringing greetings from the municipality. 

117-12 - A box was passed around with RCMP Officer Al collecting for Christmas Cheer which he delivered to the community. 

117-13 - We must thank our many volunteers over the years. With Covid, the 55 Plus Club came to an end after 30 years. 

117-14 - Thank you for all your dedication: Rose Leclair - President, Bev Wellwood - Secretary, Karen Saunders - Treasurer